Originally from the planet Terra, the Lunarians have only just recently sought refuge on the moon Luna having experienced a global calamity on their nearby colony. Their industrious ways should lead to quick advancement.
The Gillamoorians
The Gillamoorians have lived on Luna for thousands of years. Having discovered Mana early on in their species history, they have experienced exponential growth due to it's miraculous properties.
The Astralites
An advanced species that travels the cosmos intervening where they feel necessary. Initially they were drawn to the area by the calamity. Strangely enough, they now seem more interested with Mana energy.
Since our last blog update, there has been a lot of work on the combat engine, one of the key game systems. There are now a handful of monster types wandering around the game.
Say hello to our Slippery Slime friend here, one of just many enemies you will encounter on your adventure on Luna!
Behold the Slimmer Slime in all his glory.
You also may have noticed the action bar has different ability icons. Each class now will spawn with a set number of unique abilities.
Where better to place these new found abilities than the Action Bar. Your action bar will be a hub of your most used moves and items. You will be able to have more than one Action Bar configured that you can cycle through so you have everything you need to conquer what awaits.
Monsters will also now take damage when you hit them with your abilities. Each time they are hit you can see their health bar change to indicate that they have been damaged
If they run out of health they will explode in spectacular fashion and then re-spawn after a set duration.
Each monster will have different stats, abilities, and weaknesses
That about wraps up this blog post. I have begun work on the Inventory update. Stay tuned for a blog showing progress made next week!