The Beginnings of the Inventory
Greetings Lunarians! There has been quite the gap since my last developmental blog post, but let me assure you that progress is being made nearly every day! Behold the first iteration of the Trials of Luna Inventory!
There are a number of different functionalities in this the first iteration of the Inventory System. You can drag and drop items into any of your inventory slots. You can drag an item from your inventory area over to your equipment area to equip it.
After equipping a weapon or offhand item, it will now appear on your Character Sprite! Each of the four different class can equip each of the base weapons and will have access to both a basic and strong attack type!
Updated Chat Funtionality
The Chat Box has received a much needed face lift! Now it has theming consistent with the rest of the current default theme of Trials of Luna.
It also now supports a handful of different chat colors. There are a few basic commands also that are available to all players during the alpha and beta testing:
“/who” – This command will list all the players current connected.
“/warp [PlayerName]” – Warp to a Player by Name (Case-Sensitive).
NPC Update
Our next major update we are working towards is the NPC Update. We have spawned our first NPC, but there is still much work to be done!
One of our Luna Team members is hard at work designing a variety of Astralite, Gillamoorian, and Lunarian NPC’s for you to engage with during your adventures.
I am hard at work on the back-end to give our team all of the tools we will need to provide branching dialogue, quests, and shops full of items for you to purchase or sell!
Stay tuned for our next blog post sooner rather than later!